г. Москва, Тимирязев Центр
  09-10 октября 2024 г.


Dear Colleagues,

Organizing Committee has the great pleasure to invite you for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference: «Present Global Ecological Problems: Ways and Possibilities for their Solution» (Congress Centre RAS, 32A, Leninsky Prospect, Moscow, September 20-21, 2023).

Main Conference Topic:  Actual Problems and Technologies for Environmental Protection.

  • Ecological Technologies and New Approaches in «Green Economics»: Development Prospects.
  • Ecological Compliance in Agro-Industrial Complex, Public Healthcare and Industrial Production.
  • Actual Directions for International Cooperation Development on Global Ecological Problem Solution.
  • Theoretical and Legal Aspects of Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety at Present Conditions: State, Problems and Solutions.
  • Solving of the Problems on Maintaining the Purity of the Planet's Water Sources, Rational Use of Natural Resources.
  • Alternative Energetics: Breakthrough Technologies, Actual Development Trends.  Formation of Healthy Eating Culture in Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation.
  • Presentation of the Projects by Russian and Foreign Companies and Enterprises.

Conference Organizers:

  • Nanotechnology and Information Technology Dept. RAS
  • Medical Science Dept. RAS
  • Agricultural Science Dept. RAS
  • Juvenilia Section of the RAS Commission for the Study of the Scientific Heritage of the Eminent Scientists
  • All-Russian Public Organization for Environmental Protection «Public Environmental Monitoring of the Russia»
  • Russian National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
  • Institute for Ecological Health,
  • LLC Innovatika-Expo,

ANO Under Support: Ministry of Science and Higher Education RF Ministry for Industry and Trade RF Ministry of Healthcare RF Committee on International Cooperation under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Russian New University (ROSNOU) Moscow State Institute of International Relations MFA RF Business Council for Cooperation with India Russian-Indian Scientific and Technological Centre Russian-Chinese Chamber for the Promotion of Trade in Machinery and Innovative Products Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, China, Belarus, Israel, Syria, Pakistan, Iran Eurasian Center for High Technologies

In the framework of the conference, there will be:

Business meetings of developers and manufacturers of innovative products with representatives of Russian and foreign industrial and investment structures.

Exhibition-presentation of modern developments and technologies to provide ecological safety in healthcare, food and agricultural industries.

Competition of innovative developments, projects and startups: The winners of the competition will be awarded by medals and diplomas, and the proposed projects will be sent to Russian investment funds. The reports of the conference participants will be published in the Conference Proceedings, in journals included in the list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, specialized journals cited in the RSCI, etc..

For participation, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee: Tel.: +7 (989) 084-65-25; +7 (903) 669-89-60; +7 (910) 457- 63-59 Е-mail: oekr-conference@mail.ru, info@rosbio.tech

Draft of the Program and layout of the medal are attached.